Chinois Avec Le Professeur Natif En Classe Virtuelle


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  • Typologie


  • Méthodologie

    En ligne

  • Durée

    2 Mois

Objectifs: Tous les niveaux. Formation continue. Cours intensifs. Cours intensifs en immersion pour les Compagnies et aussi individuels. Preparations aux examens universitaires ou autres examens. Destinataires: Tout public residant en France et Europe. Avantages: Cours fait sur mesure après notre rencontre pour l'essai gratuit. Promotions économiques. Horaires fléxibles. Professeurs qualifiés qui seront toujours présents pendant la session. Longue expérience.

À propos de cette formation

ADSL et microphone. Langue anglaise débutant

Questions / Réponses

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Les Avis


Chin Sun

Chin Sun

Professeure de langue chinoise

Formatrice et professeure - expérience 15 ans.

Le programme

Top OnlineCourses vous propose des cours de langue chinoise à tous les niveaux avec le professeur de Beijing en ligne. Horaire flexible.

Classe Virtuelle et matériel inclus.

Cours de 12, 20, 30 ou 50 heures adaptés à vos besoins et vos souhaits, accompagnés du professeur natif et bilingue sur demande et sans vous déplacer ailleurs, vous organiserez durant votre essai gratuit, vos cours selon votre temps disponible et vos nécessités.

Des cours pour les guides touristiques ou autres secteurs. L’apprentissage des langues en ligne sera pour vous un véritable plaisir !

Cours spéciaux de langue chinoise : Cours de Conversation (Le cours est constitué de 15 sessions, qui discuterait de la vie quotidienne)., Des Affaires ou Général :

Cours de préparations aux tests universitaires ou autre.

"Integrated Chinese".
Level 1, parte 1,
level 1 parte 2,
level 2, parte 1,
level 2, parte 2

Total: 25 heures pour chaque livre.

"New Practical Chinese Reader"
Livre 1-2 (Debutant) – 50 heures - sessions individuelles avec le professeur de Beijing
Livre 3-4 niveau intermediaire. 50 heures d'etudes.
Livre 5-6 niveau Avance'. 50 heures d'etudes.


About Class

本书是为初学者准备的教材,可同时提高学习者的听说读写水平, 本教材的目的是通过语言结构,语言功能与相关文化知识的学习和听说读写技能训练,逐步培养学生运用汉语进行交际的能力,1-2册是初级汉语,3-4册是中级汉语,5-6册是高级汉语。每册均有配套的录音及光盘。

This course is designed for beginners to learn Chinese. It covers beginning to intermediate levels. It has been compiled under the guidance of the new NOCEL Syllabus and consultation with the HSK Guideline. The objective of this course is to improve the student’s ability to communicate using Chinese through the study of language structure, language function and related cultural knowledge among with the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


Lessons 1-14

Lesson 1 Saying Hello

Lesson 2 Greetings

Lesson 3 Identifying People

Lesson 4 Asking Permission

Lesson 5 Looking for Someone

Lesson 6 Making Comments

Lesson 7 Making Acquaintances

Lesson 8 Talking about One’s Family

Lesson 9 Birthday Celebrations in China

Lesson 10 Bargaining for Discounts

Lesson 11 Asking about Time

Lesson 12 Talking about Health

Lesson 13 Meeting a Friend and Arranging a Visit

Lesson 14 Making a Complaint or an Apology

About Class

1. 中文听说读写是一本优秀的中文课程。学生们评价这是一本超前的,创新的,集听说读写为一体的课程。Integrated Chinese(IC) is is an outstanding Chinese course. Student rate IC as superior,innovative and extremely versatile.

2. 一级第一部相当于大学第一学期的学习内容。

Level 1.

Part 1 covers the first semester of study at the college level

3. 系统的讲解150多个基础词汇Systematically introduces over 150 essential vocabulary words

4. 清楚地讲解关键语法结构 Presents key grammatical structures through clear and jargon-free explanations.

5. 中文听说读写注重人与人之间的沟通,表达的方法和技巧。Integrates interactive activities for practicing interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive language skills

6. 帮助学生利用实用的句子,实现日常生活用语的沟通与交流。Help learners build real-life communicative skills as they discuss everyday topics and learn useful sentence structures.


Integrated Chinese Level One (Contents)

Level One of the IC series strives to provide students with subjects of immediate interest. The dialogs are centered around situations and activities that students would most likely encounter early in the language learning process.

Integrated Chinese, Level One, Part 1


Lesson 1: Greetings

Lesson 2: Family

Lesson 3: Dates and Time

Lesson 4: Hobbies

Lesson 5: Visiting Friends

Lesson 6: Making Appointments

Lesson 7: Studying Chinese

Lesson 8: School Life

Lesson 9: Shopping

Lesson 10: Weather

Lesson 11: Transportation

Integrated Chinese, Level One, Part 2

Lesson 12: Dining

Lesson 13: At the Library

Lesson 14: Asking for Directions

Lesson 15: Birthday Party

Lesson 16: Seeing a Doctor

Lesson 17: Dating

Lesson 18: Renting an Apartment

Lesson 19: Post Office and Bank

Lesson 20: On Sports

Lesson 21: Travel

Lesson 22: Hometown

Lesson 23: At the Airport

Integrated Chinese

Level Two (Contents)

Lesson 1: New Semester Begins

Lesson 2: Dormitories

Lesson 3: Restaurants

Lesson 4: Shopping

Lesson 5: Choosing a Major Field

Lesson 6: Renting a Room

Lesson 7: Boyfriend

Lesson 8: The Influnce of T.V. and Movies

Lesson 9: Travel

Lesson 10: At the Post Office

Lesson 11: A Letter

Lesson 12: Chinese Festivals

Lesson 13: On Sports

Lesson 14: Family

Lesson 15: Men and Women Are Equal

Lesson 16: Health and Insurance

Lesson 17: Education

Lesson 18: Guns and Crimes

Lesson 19: Animals and Men

Lesson 20: Environmental Protection

About Class

1. 本课程适合初学者学习,你无须学过中文,便可轻松上路。

Course for beginners. No prior knowledge needed. It will give you a very good beginning.

2. 编排合理,通俗易懂。This course is well organized and the students will learn basic sentence structures.

3. 全中文环境,配以大量的幻灯片和实用练习,让您轻轻松松学中文。Full Chinese immersion. It provides you plenty of slides and practical exercises. You will enjoy your Chinese learning.

4. 免费赠送全套学习资料,包括幻灯片,可打印的文档,课程录音和Flash.Free learning materials provided, including PowerPoint presentations, printable materials and Flash movies.

5. 详情请参考每课内容介绍及幻灯片。For more information about this course, please contact us on skype toponlinecourses.

** You’ll enjoy your Chinese learning here with us!

Learning Chinese not only is possible but also is great fun!

About HSK

HSK Test is a standardized test at the state level designed to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers. HSK consists of the basic Chinese proficiency test (Basic), the elementary and intermediate Chinese proficiency test (Elementary-Intermediate) and the advanced Chinese proficiency test (Advanced). HSK is held regularly in China and other countries each year. Certificates of HSK will be issued to those who have secured the required scores.

Our course for HSK test

This course is designed based on your actual level and objectives. Our teacher will test your Chinese level first and then select appropriate HSK-related materials based on your specific level. This course focusses on improving your ability in four aspects: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. We will ensure that you will get the best HSK test score within a short time.

A’ chaque session, vous allez enrichir et améliorer vos connaissances/compréhension de la langue. Encore une chose…vous pouvez enregistrer votre session pour la revoir aux temps libres !

Notre formation en ligne a été toujours très appréciée, lisez par exemple cet avis de Mme Margot commenté en juin 2009 :

I'm so pleased with how much I've learned in this short amount of time! In a university class it would have taken me at least 4 or 5 months to become this confident in speaking the language. I'm receiving the encouragement and correction I need to move forward and I can feel myself becoming more independent in using the language.

À la fin du cours, sera délivré le certificat avec le niveau et la durée du cours. TopOnlineCourses bénéficie d'un excellent bouche à oreilles .

Informations complémentaires

Observations :

Vous serez toujours accompagné du professeur pendant votre leçon. Le matériel vous serait envoyé par email avant votre session de 45 minutes.

Stage en entreprise :

Sur demande.

Nombre d'élèves par classe : 1
Personne de contact : Mariana - Chin

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Chinois Avec Le Professeur Natif En Classe Virtuelle

168 € Non imposable